+44 (0) 7973 953586 paul@impro.org.uk


Why improvisers embrace emergence

Why improvisers embrace emergence

We often notice improvisation when what we expect to happen doesn’t happen. And that’s the beauty of it! It’s not all planned out and predictable. It’s the improvisation that provides the additional value…

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Are you playing to win or playing to play?

Are you playing to win or playing to play?

With my passion for improvisation and play, I’d be a good example of how access at university through official and unofficial channels to squad training, squash courts and even brief tasters of hockey and canoeing, nurtured sports as part of a lifetime’s wellbeing…

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Are you a journalist, poet or diarist?

Are you a journalist, poet or diarist?

A key characteristic of the Third Wave of improvisation is one where everyone succeeds to some extent. Your creative writing style can be divided into one of three types: journalist, poet or diarist. Which one are you?

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