+44 (0) 7973 953586 paul@impro.org.uk

 Chocs Away!

I watched an inspirational presentation on the potentially dull topic of the need to stick to corporate style guidelines in all written communications. Yes, I know.

But we were saved from monotony by the fact that ‘chocolate’ was the word used most often and memorably.

The dastardly presenter asked questions about correct style and rewarded each right answer with a chocolate, passed around by his assistant each time he acknowledged an accurate answer (or even a good guess) by exclaiming the word ‘chocolate’. This turned out to be a wonderful way of compelling everyone’s attention.

It’s a simple technique for anyone wanting to be an inspirational presenter. All you need are one or two ideas for creating a warm and amusing atmosphere in the room, while everyone learns what they need to know. And a steady supply of chocolate. Or something more virtual! 

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