+44 (0) 7973 953586 paul@impro.org.uk

When did you last dedicate time to considering your own career? I recently moved back to live in my old university city and happened to cycle past the Careers Office.

I was reminded of how helpful they had been to me when I was applying for jobs in an eclectic range of professions – journalism, accountancy, teaching, advertising.

Clearly I had no great grasp of what any of those might entail, and the guidance of a Mr Snow was most useful in getting a sense of what was possible and in narrowing down the number of application forms.

As you may know, I joined a newspaper as a reporter, then a decade later hopped into comedy broadcasting. From there the obvious next step was coaching and training.

OK, it made sense to me, if nobody else. And I guess that is what is important about careers – to find what’s right for you at any given stage of life.

Apparently, as an old-boy I’m still allowed to consult the Careers service here. But before I do that, I’m looking forward to exploring all the current aspects of careers coaching from a solutions-focused perspective, on our course next month.

I hope you’ll join me and my colleague Janine Waldman for our new on-line ‘Career Coaching with a Solutions Focus’ course on Thursday 19th and Thursday 26th May to review your own career and find out how to help any clients or colleagues considering their next steps.  Find out more and book your place here https://tinyurl.com/aeyzexwm