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One of my improvisation recommendations is to ‘Inhabit the moment’.
What are your stories of inhabiting the moment?
One of my improvisation recommendations is to ‘Inhabit the moment’.
What are your stories of inhabiting the moment?
Ever been stuck in traffic and felt your stress levels rise? Here’s a lesson I learned on staying calm and resourceful when things don’t go as planned.
By inhabiting the present moment, we can shift from panic to presence, finding clarity and focus even in the most unexpected situations.
When you hear the word “improvisation,” what comes to mind? Join us for an Improvisation for Life workshop at the Oxford Improv Fest and explore how improvisation can enhance your daily life!
Beginnings matter, how are you starting your meetings and your new year?
Incorporating facilitation techniques into your leadership toolkit isn’t just a valuable addition; it’s a game-changer.
Jazz up your facilitative leadership and follow the flow of meetings like a virtuoso!
Some meetings are a waste of time. Some are necessary if not enthralling.
Often we can do better.
Here’s one way to give your meetings a much better prospect of success.