We start by finding out what you want. We ask for detail and clarity, so that we all know what you are aiming to achieve and the part that PJA will play in getting you closer to your aims. Our consultancy is collaborative, pragmatically minimalist and emergent. That’s the difference.
What do people consult us about?
It’s often when they need to get better results in one of the following areas:
- A clearer strategy for the organisation or a team
- To make better use of the training budget – to switch to training that makes a useful difference
- To plan a conference, a workshop or a meeting, so that it fully engages and inspires participants
Richard Bowley’s testimonial on the design of his bridge class curriculum by Paul Z Jackson.
Examples of partnerships
The Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre had the enviable reputation of running the most interesting sessions at the annual Climate Talks – you know, the ones where the world negotiates on how to save us from climate change.
For the past three years, most recently in Katowice, Poland, we’ve been advising them on how to design their programme to be as participative and effective as possible.
That means shaping each session to create the maximum flow of knowledge in the minimum time, introduce facilitated processes for generating new ideas, and ensuring that all the knowledge in the room is focused on practical outcomes for a world in desperate need.
For business strategy creation, we’ve been working alongside the Insight Centre team at KPMG for the past couple of years, refining the details of what each Insight Centre will offer to its clients. That means working out how best to position the expertise of partners, managers and subject specialists, so that the capabilities of big data analysis are clearly presented and wisely applied.
Contact us to discuss how we can get better results and add value successfully in your organisation.