by Paul Z Jackson | Sep 3, 2018 | Blog, Facilitation, Presentation |
How many words does a picture prompt? I’ve seen this technique used recently a few times to stimulate participants’ thinking on the topic of the day. The facilitator shows an interesting picture – on a screen – and asks the audience to express...
by Paul Z Jackson | Aug 21, 2018 | Blog, Presentation |
How to avoid boring your audience with dull, dull process changes? You have a short slot in a conference session, let’s say 10-20 minutes, to introduce an important new process in your organisation. Everyone needs to know about it, and that’s why you’ve been allocated...
by Paul Z Jackson | Jul 26, 2018 | Blog, Facilitation, Improvisation, Presentation |
Playing with time when facilitating a session When facilitating a session, time is often the dimension that gets away from us and is the undoing of an otherwise wonderful event. You are facilitating a session It’s an important topic – that’s why it’s on the...
by Paul Z Jackson | Jul 23, 2018 | Blog, Facilitation, Improvisation, Presentation |
How do you get groups out of their comfort zone without resistance? “I have a presentation coming up for a large group of 270. I am invited to take them out of their comfort zone”, a colleague told me recently. This was a corporate audience, with 50...
by Paul Z Jackson | Jul 19, 2018 | Blog, Presentation |
Waking up your passive audience It’s good to give your audience more than a passive role during your presentation. These days, millennials have short attention… what was I saying? Even if you are going to talk to an audience non-stop, you can allow them to...
by Paul Z Jackson | Jul 9, 2018 | Blog, Presentation |
The easy way to interact with your audience ‘So you want to create interaction with the audience?’ The presenter looks mildly appalled. ‘No, not really, but I’m told it’s a good idea. It’s an unwelcome thought for me, but apparently a benefit...