+44 (0) 1727 843820 paul@impro.org.uk
Join the Anti-Perfectionist League

Join the Anti-Perfectionist League

Join the Anti-Perfectionist League What are the benefits of joining the Anti-Perfectionist League? It takes away the stress and pressure of having to get everything right. Which is a good thing in circumstances in which you don’t have to get everything right. But that...
Failure Fetish Flies Again

Failure Fetish Flies Again

 Failure fetish files again The failure fetish gets another airing in a TEDx talk, brought to my attention in a recent newsletter from a colleague. A child does poorly in a school test and doesn’t tell me, his mother, says Dr. Kathleen Ciez-Volz. ‘Gabe is embarrassed...
Sometimes a typo is just a typo

Sometimes a typo is just a typo

 Sometimes a typo is just a typo In a recent email I typed ‘GB’ when I meant to type ‘FB’ as shorthand for Facebook. My correspondent was mildly mystified and asked what I meant. I explained, which would have made a good end to the matter.  But because we...